
2015 - Raft Blues, Invitation to the Blues, PuntWG, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2014 - Walking and staying alongside the Priessnitz in the Dresden Heath, springhouse art residency,
Dresden, Germany

2014 - la Fortuna, Jonas en de Walvis, St. Jospeph Church, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2014 - Labour, Jonas en de Walvis, St. Joseph Church, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2013 - Groepsexpositie: Couchsurfers and A-Boys, Jabu Arnell's home, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2013 - The Rise and Fall of the Continuous Circle, deServicegarage, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2012 - System of Order, GUM Studios, Torino, Italy

2012 - Hear it 2!, Stedelijk Museum at Trouw, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2011- BERM DATE, BERM, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

2011- Tsarino 2011, Cultural Centre, Chorbadzhiysko/Tsarino, Bulgaria

2011 - Water Tower Art Fest, Sofia, Bulgaria

2011 - Espace Echallens 13, Lausanne, Switzerland

2009 - Project Tsarino, The Outpost gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands