Friday, 22 February 2013

Improvisational formation, Oorsprong/Steim, Amsterdam, February 2013

Pete Edwards asked me to join him and two others for this improv night. The rules for these nights are that formations are made up of people that have never played together and can only play once a season. That sounded great to me.

Performance at Studio M, Amsterdam, August 2012

After the radio performance Hans asked us to perform that same evening in the basement of gallery Studio M. We made a little island in this half flooded basement and created a sound structure that was circulating in the space.

Radio performance/interview, Amsterdam FM/OBA, Amsterdam, August 2012

Me and François were invited by Hans Kuiper/Inspector Casino for a performance and talk.
This show took place at the main public library of Amsterdam and was broadcasted live on Amsterdam FM.

We decided to make the talk the performance, using our speech, sampling our voices and merging them with a small library of sounds we captured beforehand from within the building.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

"Systems of Order", GUM Studios, Torino, Italy, May 2012

Systems of Order

Me and François Dey were invited to do a performance for the opening of System of Order at GUM Studios in Torino.

We went to Torino and made a sound action inspired by Luigi Russolo's manifesto L'Arte Dei Rumori and his Intonarumori, creating, catching and becoming part of the rumors on the street. The intervention took place in the predominant immigrant area where the gallery, GUM Studios was located. We took a shopping cart from the local supermarket and went "shopping" through the trash, looking for our zero euro discount deals to make our autonomous sound mobile out of the found materials.

During our movement through the murmur we sampled the streets. As a vocal instrument we used fragments of recordings by Italian artist/lyricist Demetrio Stratos, who had amazing vocal abilities.

After our action in the public space we drove our sound mobile into the gallery, which subsequently transformed it into an installation. The next day, before we left, we dismantled our structure, put all the materials at the trash bin and took the cart back to the super market.

De Pepper Free Form Improv Music Group, S.O.T.U. Festival, Amsterdam, May 2012

De Pepper Free Form Improv Music Group consisted out of Sander Linders (drums/percussion), Jerry Spurlock (self-made zither), Corne Roos (electric bass), Francois Dey (tape machine), Julian Schneemann (keyboard) and myself (accordion/percussion).

As part of the first S.O.T.U Festival I organised a gathering on the stage of cafe De Pepper (OT301). The group consisted out of different friends or acquaintances. They all had a different background and (me being the exception) never met or performed with each other.

I played with Sander in a coverband of unknown Middle-Eastern 60's and 70's songs. Jerry I met in the Vondelpark playing his zither. Corne is the younger brother of a close friend. Francois is an artist who I  collaborate with and Julian was a colleague from my work at the Concertgebouw. I also invited my brother Stefanos who unfortunately couldn't make it.

The outcome................was great!
(with compliments from those Lucky Dragons)

"Gold, Gypsy Gold", Hear it 2! Stedelijk Museum at Trouw, April 2012

Gold, Gypsy Gold

A movable sound, 
a shopping car, the junk box.
Hanging around the street, 
outside the building we sample the mantra. 
Breathing space along with cars of the night.

Our sonic architectural mobile shelter was build at Francois's studio in the North of Amsterdam.

We had to take the ferry and push and pull it to the Trouw building in the East. Outside, moving around the building we made our street performance.