Friday, 18 October 2013

"This time I went for Monsanto but ended up in another park" (2013) Lisboa, Portugal

In July I travelled with my family to Lisboa and visited my friend Hans Kuiper aka Inspector Casino.
With me I brought my autonomous portable audio system. In the neighborhood cafe's I asked around for some cardboard boxes and made my cardboard speaker backpack. After I made the speakers I was "waiting" for the moment when it felt right to PERFORM. I wanted it to be part of the everyday transition of actions. Just a change of intention. After a full day of activities; going to the city, shopping for groceries, going to the beach and making some field recordings along the way. I ended up making an action in the park of the suburb where Hans was living.

The title refers to two different public parks located in Lisbon. Because of the name Monsanto I instantly had to think of the multinational agrochemical and agricultural biotechnological corporation. Parallel to the choice of park it also suggests a fictional action, eventually choosing not to go for Monsanto seeds but something that grows organic, for something unmodified, not patented and nameless.

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

"RadioActivity" (2013) at MilieuServiceNederland Rijksakademie, Amsterdam

For this radio performance I hacked two small portable radio's transforming them into little synth's.
Utilizing radio frequencies and the radio's circuits to create the minimal with the maximum.

You can listen here.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

"At first I went for the okra, but then I settled for the yam" (2013) at deServicegarage, Amsterdam

This work is a collaboration between Aditya Mandayam and me as Bingolingo & Foneysoney. As a headphone piece it was part of the 24hour exhibition The Rise and Fall of the Continuous Circle at deServicegarage.

"At first I went for the okra, but then I settled for the yam" (2013) was a new aural piece by Bingolingo and Foneysoney which revolves around the vowel and/or phoneme shifts that occured during the latter part of the Beeldensturm, amongst other events, in Central-West Europe, B&F overlay five vowels sounds sung in a mezzo-soprano on top of each other, in a way of a pyramidal ladder. The effect must be heard to be understood.

For this specific location the approximate dimensions of the space were used in an audio software program to calculate the approximate reverberation time and recreate the effect when it would be sung in the actual space.

Voice: Alexandros Papamarkou

You can listen here


The video work Vondelpark (2013) is a sound composition aligned with an visual image. It is chronological edited footage of a live happening without any additional sound. The performance took place at the Vondelpark in Amsterdam during the SOTU festival 2013.

When listening and looking at this footage think of Brian Eno's text on Ambient Music. The artist is performing along side the existing, being part of a place and the sound environment, influencing an atmosphere without overamplification. "Ambient Music must be able to accommodate many levels of listening attention without enforcing one in particular, it must be as ignorable as it is interesting."

This work stresses the mode of attentive listening. It consists out of recorded material of an improvisation in the making. In a way it is a collaborative work between the artist and the environment. An action in an ever changing soundscape while moving through the park. It reveals the beauty of chance and indetermination.

Below you find some photos and a link to an audio clip. The photos are stills from the video, the audio clip is taken from the video as well.