This work is a collaboration between Aditya Mandayam and me as Bingolingo & Foneysoney. As a headphone piece it was part of the 24hour exhibition The Rise and Fall of the Continuous Circle at deServicegarage.
"At first I went for the okra, but then I settled for the yam" (2013) was a new aural piece by Bingolingo and Foneysoney which revolves around the vowel and/or phoneme shifts that occured during the latter part of the Beeldensturm, amongst other events, in Central-West Europe, B&F overlay five vowels sounds sung in a mezzo-soprano on top of each other, in a way of a pyramidal ladder. The effect must be heard to be understood.
For this specific location the approximate dimensions of the space were used in an audio software program to calculate the approximate reverberation time and recreate the effect when it would be sung in the actual space.
Voice: Alexandros Papamarkou
You can listen here
"At first I went for the okra, but then I settled for the yam" (2013) was a new aural piece by Bingolingo and Foneysoney which revolves around the vowel and/or phoneme shifts that occured during the latter part of the Beeldensturm, amongst other events, in Central-West Europe, B&F overlay five vowels sounds sung in a mezzo-soprano on top of each other, in a way of a pyramidal ladder. The effect must be heard to be understood.
For this specific location the approximate dimensions of the space were used in an audio software program to calculate the approximate reverberation time and recreate the effect when it would be sung in the actual space.
Voice: Alexandros Papamarkou
You can listen here
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